Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Witch House?

So apparently there's a new, emerging genre called "witch house." What is it exactly? It's hard to say, considering most of the bands in this genre don't even sound that much alike. Think chillwave meets Twin Peaks meets Marble Index-era Nico. Hip hop beats, dark synths, and creepy samples. Also, apparently bands in this genre like names that can't be pronounced, like †‡†, ///▲▲▲\\\, ℑ⊇≥◊≤⊆ℜ, and Gr†LLGR†LL. Despite how bizarre that all is, there's actually some pretty cool music in the "genre."
Is "witch house" a real genre?
Is it the next chillwave?
You decide.

So, here ya go, a witch house playlist (**=my favorite):

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